…. A 26-year-old therapist was stopped in her Toyota Camry behind another vehicle waiting for it to turn. Without warning, her vehicle was struck in the rear by another vehicle, pushing her into the vehicle in front of her and then into a utility pole. The therapist was rushed by ambulance to the local hospital where they thought she may have bleeding on the brain. It turned out she did not, but she did have multiple injuries with concussion syndromes of blurred vision and nausea. The case eventually settled with the other driver’s insurance company. … [Read more...]
Mobile mental health therapist needs physical therapy after motor vehicle crash
Two weddings and a speeding drunk driver do not mix well.
… A 76-year-old retired industrial chemical salesman was driving his Cadillac on the highway returning home from a wedding. As he entered a tunnel, a speeding drunk driver returning from a different wedding, crashed into the back of the Cadillac. The drunk driver attempted to flee the scene, but was subdued. The former salesman sustained neck and back injuries as well as blurred vision and dizziness. The case eventually settled with the drunk driver’s insurance company. … [Read more...]
Drunk driver unscrews license plate and flees.
… A 22-year-old college graduate student was a passenger in a friend’s car going for a late-night bite to eat. A large SUV suddenly turned left into the side of the much smaller car, causing a major impact. The SUV driver, who was drunk, pulled out a screw driver, unscrewed the license plate of the SUV and fled the scene. The grad student, who was from Atlanta, flew back home where she had medical treatment. The grad student had multiple bruises and lacerations, including a large cut on her nose. Since all three occupants of the car were injured, the driver’s automobile liability insurance had to be divided up appropriately. … [Read more...]
Drunk driving wrong way on interstate causes havoc.
… A 23-year-old man and his girlfriend, a restaurant hostess, were traveling southbound on the interstate when they encountered a pickup truck, driven by a drunk driver, coming directly at them in the wrong direction. The crash resulted in the young man sustaining a head and knee injury, while the restaurant hostess had multiple cuts on her face and glass in her right eye. The case quickly settled with the drunk driver’s insurance company, which had minimal liability limits. An underinsured motorist claim also later settled. … [Read more...]
College student served 21 shots of whiskey on 21st birthday, dies from alcohol poisoning

A college fraternity brother met his friends at a local bar on the eve of his 21st birthday. His goal was to drink 21 shots of whiskey. Friends bought him shots late in the evening and early into the morning after he turned 21. Although he was visibly intoxicated, the bartender continued to serve him. He stumbled back to the fraternity house with help and passed out in his room. When they couldn’t revive him the next morning, they rushed him to the hospital. He died from acute alcohol poisoning. The friends who had bought him alcohol before he was of legal age and the bar were sued. After an extensive mediation conference involving … [Read more...]
Drunken man accidentally fires handgun into friend’s face, knocks out his teeth
… A 23-year-old highway worker and his buddies spent the evening drinking beer at a private club and then at a strip joint. One of the worker’s buddies went home early. The worker went to his buddy’s house to crash for the evening. When his buddy answered the door, he began waiving a hand gun at the worker in jest. The hand gun accidentally fired, striking the worker in the face and knocking out six of his teeth. After a lawsuit was filed, the case settled with the buddy’s homeowner’s insurer for the policy limits. … [Read more...]
Restaurant continues to serve salesman after he is drunk, salesman crashes his car into teenager’s car, crushing teenager’s foot
…A 17-year-old boy was driving home one evening when a drunk driver crossed the road, smashing into his car. Two bones in the young man’s foot were broken, requiring extensive reconstructive surgery. The drunk driver had been conducting company business at a bar earlier that evening. His company knew that he had a habit of drinking excessively while entertaining clients. After trial, a jury found that the drunk driver, the bar and the drunk driver’s employer were all responsible for the young man’s injuries. … [Read more...]
Nightclub bouncer shoves rowdy college student head first into parked car
…A 22-year-old college student and his friends were drinking at a local night club. After the club closed, they were waiting in the parking lot for a taxi cab to take them home. An unidentified employee of the club, irritated by the student’s antics in the parking lot, shoved him headfirst into a parked car. The young man sustained bleeding in his brain. The club denied that its employee committed this act. The club’s security consultant, however, was the leader of a notorious motorcycle gang. After investigation and depositions, the case settled. … [Read more...]
Couple killed by drunk driving home from bachelor party
… A 35-year-old woman and her husband were killed when their car was hit head on by an oncoming pickup truck. The other driver, who was drunk, was returning home from a bachelor party at his hunting lodge. After a lawsuit was filed in the rural county where the crash took place, a substantial settlement was reached with the drunk driver’s insurance company. The settlement proceeds will be used to fund a trust for the woman’s three teenage sons. The drunk driver is serving 6 to 12 years in the state penitentiary. … [Read more...]
Stopped car violently struck in rear by a drunk driver

… A 20-year-old college student was driving home when his stopped car was violently struck in the rear by a drunk driver. His neck, back and ribs were injured. He was also unable to work at his family’s produce company. All of his medical expenses were covered by his auto insurance. The case settled favorably with the drunk driver’s car insurance company. … [Read more...]